Monday, March 17, 2008

My Video: Inspiring Women

I had the idea for my video from a book I was reading to my class Amelia to Zora Twenty Six Women Who Changed the World, which is a wonderful compilation! I decided to start gathering quotes and pictures of inspirational women over time.
I did my video in iMovie HD and the main problems I had was I gathered all the photos and did the quotes in PowerPoint and exported them as .jpg Then when I finally got them all into iMovie I decided to put the quotes and pictures together... so I went back to PowerPoint and then used the grab tool. It took a very long time:)
Anyway I have used iMovie before to make a video for my wedding, and also some projects with my class. However, it has been a year since I have worked with it. My biggest challenge was fitting the 30 second music clips with my photos, because once the song was getting good I had to cut it off and find another. Along with this I had problems smoothly transitioning from one song to the next...There must be an easier way to do this.
All in all it took me MUCH longer than I anticipated, partly because I was trying to make everything flow and look nice. I am pretty happy with the finished product and hope you enjoy it as well:)


Ken Callaway said...

A touching piece. Much of the music took me back in time and place. I think the time you put in was well spent; the piece does flow smoothly and easily. I must disagree, respectfully, with Ms. Earhart: women do not have to try things that men have done. Much of what we have done in the past, we never had any business trying; there is no need for women to repeat our mistakes.

Angie Wilson said...

Jenni this was wonderful. You can tell that you spent a lot of time. I really enjoyed the quotes and the music was very fitting. Nice job.

martyjay75 said...


Very thoughtful and inspiring. I love the selection of images, quotes, and music.

Heidi Beezley said...

I agree with all of the above comments. I really enjoyed the movie and the music was so fitting and, as Ken said, it took me back so it made an emotional connection. Great job!

rrksevilla said...

Jenni, your time was well spent. Your images, music, and quotes came together to create a video of emotional impact. Excellent work.

Mr. Rodriguez said...

Very inspiring and powerful. Can I use this in my class? Nice selection of quotes and heroes, but you forgot my mom. Great job!

isurewould said...

Very inspirational...and not just to girls. Boys also need to see the stories of great women so that they learn to respect them and emulate their strong qualities. Going with short, well-known pieces of music was a good idea.

Miss G. said...

I loved it! Great choice of inspiring women, photos, quotes and music.

Everyone should appreciate!

Juliana said...

Quotes were really inspiring--I enjoyed each song, too, though interesting that you choice all male vocals?? Was wondering if just small segments of songs are allowed under copyright laws. Hope so because your video rules!!